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(Stiltbulbus proto)

2/148, replaced by descendant
Creator Nergali Other
Stiltbulbus proto
Epoch/Generation 2/145
Habitat Mason Tundra , Mason Polar Beach
Size 20 cm Tall
Support Unknown
Diet Photosynthesis
Respiration Unknown
Thermoregulation Unknown
Reproduction Asexual, Spores

Splitting from its ancestor, the stiltbulb has experienced a burst in its growth due to the effects of island gigantism. Unlike its ancestor, it now rests on several stilt-like roots that support it and dig deep into the soil in order to draw in both water and nutrients. These are stored within the roots and within a layer in the relatively hollow bulb. The bulb has lost its ability to follow the sun as its root system is too sturdy to allow so, but it still retains the ability to "deflate" itself like its ancestor did, and does so at night, taking on an umbrella-like shape. Both the bulb and the roots have developed a thicker skin with a wood-like composition.

Now forming vast forests across the landscape, the current "tallest" organism of Mason has greatly affected the environment. Where once open landscapes dominated by various species of airbulbs once thrived, the thick interconnecting root systems of stiltbulbs now exist. In the more shaded environment, the smaller species of airbulbs have been forced into smaller and smaller open spaces where their hardier cousin has yet to spread to and overshadow.

Requiring little water and adapted to a harsh environment, the stiltbulb has still managed to thrive. Its "skin" is relatively UV resistant, and the combination of both the bulbs height off the ground and its thick skin have seen to it that few herbivores can feed on it, at least when it is fully mature. Until then, the few current herbivores and omnivores are not above feasting on their tender bulbs, an action that has helped to control their growth. The number of asexual spores they produce do manage to offset the losses to herbivory, however. For now they continue to flourish all over the island that was once known as Eumenides mounts.