Layered Gelatus

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Layered Gelatus
(Ventegero primoris)

24/?, unknown cause
Creator Clarke Other
Ventegero primoris
Epoch/Generation 1/143
Habitat Mason Polar Sea , Penumbra Bog , Negative Bog , Putspooza Bog
Size 1 cm Wide
Support Unknown
Diet Filter-Feeder (Herbivorous Trisphourous, Toxic Gildling, Detrivorous Trisphorous, Ocean Gildling, Striated Gildron, Polar Gildron, Floating Gildron), Detritivore, Coprophagic
Respiration Unknown
Thermoregulation Unknown
Reproduction Sexual, Three Genders(Alpha, Beta, and Gamma), Budding

The layered gelatus split from its ancestor, the gelatus. The most remarkable change is the degree of specialization found in the organism, instead of the simple colonial style of its ancestor. The layered gelatus is composed of two germ layers, operating independently from one another, and connected sparingly by many microscopic threads that dot the space between the two layers. The outer layer, contracted around the inner one so that they barely touch, will slowly relax, drawing water in through the numerous pores that dot the surface. The pores will close, and it will release enzymes that dissolve any cells, waste, or floral matter that is drawn in. Microscopic chambers on both layers will open and draw in the digested matter, until the chemoreceptors detect a low concentration of nutritious material in relation to waste. The outer layer will then contract, pushing out the waste.

The inner layer is similar to the outer layer, with the exception that instead of enclosing a stomach, there exists a pool of oil. This is used as not only as a storage for food, but to control its position on the water column. The inner layer can contract and compress the oil, causing it to sink, or relax, causing it to rise. This allows it to move to greater concentrations of food, as determined by its chemoreceptors. Its reproductive strategies have also grown more complex, possessing three genders, alpha, beta, and gamma. Once an alpha or beta has grown to its adult size, certain digestive chambers specialize to only produce reproductive cells. Alpha organisms will produce cells with only a single nuclei, instead of three, and that resemble the microscopic trinucleozoa. Betas produce similar gametes, but with a streamlined shape and a powerful flagella and sensitive chemoreceptors.

Alphas will release small amounts of their gametes constantly, but betas will stockpile massive amounts of their gametes, releasing them in such quantities that the water will appear quality. When the two types meet, they will fuse together and wait to be absorbed by a gamma. If a gamma's digestive chamber on the exterior layer detects a pair, it will incorporate it into the organism, creating a normal, three-nucleated cell, and the chamber will be closed off. As the cell multiplies into a blastula, the chamber will gradually migrate toward the exterior of the organism. By the time it has reached the edge, it will be released, generally measuring half a millimeter in width.