Toxic Gildling

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Toxic Gildling
(Gildus vegrandis)

23/?, unknown cause
Creator Mnidjm Other
Gildus vegrandis
Epoch/Generation 1/141
Habitat Negative Polar River
Size Microscopic
Support Unknown
Diet Photosynthesis
Respiration Unknown
Thermoregulation Unknown
Reproduction Asexual, Spores

The toxic gildling replaced their ancestor. They evolved in response to increased predatory activity. They now secrete an enzyme in large quantaties into the surrounding area that target the specific proteins in the cell membranes of the trisphourous phylum that hold them together. This causes them to rupture and die. This trait has become so successful that it caused the herbivorous trisphourous numbers to drop dramatically. It does not affect the gildlings due to different proteins in the cell membranes. It is an irritate to larger members of the kingdom, causing rashes and boils to form on the skin. It is deadly if ingested i high enough quantities.