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(Kovnik crinitus)
Creator Coolsteph Other
Kovnik crinitus
Epoch/Generation 3/154
Habitat Mason Reef
Size 8 cm Tall
Support Unknown
Diet Photosynthesis, Opportunistic Parasite (Modular Gelatus, Network Stiltbulb)
Respiration Unknown
Thermoregulation Unknown
Reproduction Sexual, Airborne Spores
Descendant of Ancestor of

The fuskovnik has a few adaptations to the dwindling atmosphere of Mason. It produces both a chalky wax and hairs on the surface of its petal-like leaves. The wax reflects UV light, which is useful to the fuskovnik because more UV light reaches Mason when its atmosphere dwindles. The adaptation is similar to that of the giant chalk dudleya, an Earth plant. The hairs on the leaves also reflect ultraviolet radiation. Both the hairs and the wax reduce loss of water through transpiration.

However, these adaptations come at a trade-off: its photosynthesis efficiency is reduced. Its longer growth period compared to its ancestor may be an adaptation to this, for it requires more time to extract the same amount of energy. Its reduced photosynthetic efficiency also makes it more parasitic than its ancestor. Its smaller mature size allows it to take advantage of shade produced by other organisms for longer. Fuskovniks are frequently found near red smoolks. It is hypothesized that they benefit from the oxygen red smoolks emit.