Template Wizards

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Old Wizards

<inputbox> type=create width=36 break=no preload=MediaWiki:NewSpeciesPreload editintro=MediaWiki:NewSpeciesIntro buttonlabel=Create Species </inputbox>

Auto create a new organism page here, type in the organism name and then fill in the fields.

<inputbox> type=create width=36 break=no preload=MediaWiki:NewBiomePreload editintro=MediaWiki:NewBiomeIntro buttonlabel=Create Biome </inputbox>

Auto create a biome page here, type in the biome name and then fill in the fields.

<inputbox> type=create width=36 break=no preload=MediaWiki:NewLandmarkPreload editintro=MediaWiki:NewLandmarkIntro buttonlabel=Create Landmark </inputbox>

Auto create a landmark page here, type in the landmark name and then fill in the fields.

Wiki Converter By AnguaNatalia http://www.annamattaar.nl/sagan4/wikiparser.php