Geologic Timescale

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Geologic Timescale

Prebiota Period

4,575 Million Years Long

Bloodian Period (Epoch 1)

12.5 Million Years Long


The twenty-second epoch lasted approx. 12.5 million years. During this period, life from Sagan 4 also arrived on Mason at the beginning of the period through panspermia.

Masonian Period (Epoch 2)

12.5 Million Years Long


The twenty-third epoch lasted approx. 12.5 million years. At the beginning of this period, a solar flare struck Sagan 4 and Mason, thawing their glaciers and causing a mass extinction event.

Darthian Period (Epoch 3)

12.5 Million Years Long


The twenty-fourth epoch lasted approx. 12.5 million years. It marks the end of the ice age. Mason's oceans were also evaporated by solar wind, causing the rings of Sagan 4 to form.

Blargian Period (Epoch 25)

12.5 Million Years Long


The twenty-five epoch lasted approx. 12.5 million years. Mason lost its atmosphere, wiping out all life on its surface.