Sagan 1

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Sagan 1
Image by Mnidjm

Mean Distance (from Sagan): 34225000.857 Km

Mean Distance (from Sagan: 0.22878 au

Mean Radius: 1949.526 Km

Mean Diameter: 3899.052 Km

Equatorial Circumference: 12249.233 Km

Surface Area: 2.388 x 10^13 m^2

Volume: 3.1037 x 10^19 m^3

Mass: 1.2916 x10^24 Kg

Density: 4.16 Kg/m^3

Surface Gravity: 2.2676 N/Kg

Escape Velocity: 2.97348 Km/s

Solar Flux Density: 44173.39 W/m^2/s

Average Surface Temperature: 424.18K (151.02 C)

Min Surface Temperature: 135.57K (-137.59 C)

Max. Surface Temperature: 674.35K (401.19 C)

Average Albedo: 0.13

Avg. Atmospheric Absorption: 0.00 % (Neglible)

Orbital Speed: 69.92587 Km/s

Orbital Period (It's year): 35.59 Earth days

Prisagan (Closer to Sagan): 0.202800 au

Aposagan (Further from Sagan): 0.254760 au

Orbital Eccentricity: 0.11356

Orbital Inclination: <1 degree

Axis Tilt: 32 degrees

Rotation Speed: 496.46585 Km/s

Rotation Period (Its day): 24.67 Earth Days

A small sterile rocky terrestrial planet very close to Sagan star (0.23 au).

Sagan I's close proximity to its host star has resulted in complete loss of its atmosphere. Its iron core has become solid and no longer radiates heat thus Sagan I is considered to be geologically dead. The small magnetic field produced by its iron core is not strong enough to shield the planet against Sagan's solar winds. Any remaining atmosphere has been stripped away by these solar winds.

Sagan I has a fast orbital and rotational speed of 69.9 Km/s and 496.5Km/s respectively. These speeds have given it a peculiar feature, a year and a day approaching the same period (year: 35.59 earth days, day: 24.67 earth hours). The temperatures on Sagan I fluctuate rapidly over a single day. Regular exposure of its surface to heavy solar radiation super heats it to 401C during the day whilst experiencing freezing temperatures during the night (-138 C). This is because Sagan I does not have an atmosphere or internal heating (dead Iron core) to keep it warm during the night cycle. These shifting extremes in temperature have produced a rubbled cracked surface covered with many impact craters.

A major distinguishing surface feature of Sagan I is a huge crater along its northern equatorial latitudes. Spanning almost one quarter its own diameter, pock marked with many impact craters along its perimeter edge, resembling a yawning toothed mouth. It is believed that a collision encounter with another rocky body in it's distant past may have been responsible for its large axis tilt of 32 degrees. This may also have brought it in closer proximity to Sagan star. A death hug with its host star that stripped away its atmosphere and lead to its current sterile existence as a burning planetary cinder of extreme heat (day) and intermittent freezing(night).